- Insurance
- Product Solutions
- Commercial P&C
- Automobile
Most businesses have a need for commercial auto coverage. We provide coverage both for damage incurred by your fleet of vehicles and also for the covered claims of bodily injury and property damages incurred by others during the operation of your fleet. Our fleet safety management solutions are available to help you reduce your frequency of accidents.
- Commercial auto policy
- Motor carrier policy
- Commercial auto or motor carrier enhancement
- Blanket additional insured
- Blanket waiver of subrogation
- Broad form named insured
Service Excellence
- Specialized auto claims adjusters
- Loss control fleet specialists
- Fleet safety management tools available:
- Distracted driving service tool
- Driver behavior monitoring telematics
- Customized safety plan
- In-cab road hazard alert tool
- How is my driving - 1-800 service
- Continuous MVR and driver infraction monitoring
- Human resources online applicant testing
- Online training videos on-demand
- Accident spill response
If you are a current policyholder with a question, please click here.